List of ISO certified companies in Uganda

We have compiled a list of ISO certified companies in Uganda. The list contains companies in Uganda that received ISO certification in 2023.

Knowing ISO certified companies in Uganda is very important to you in many ways among them being the fact that you will be able to work with companies that are practising internationally accepted business standards. If you want to implement standards in your company, this list will also help you to identify a team that you can consult from. They may refer you to some of the best ISO training, auditing and certification companies which you can also use in the implementation of management system.

  • Arise Collections Limited. Arise Collections formerly known as Sseko Designs is a Ugandan ethical fashion brand. The company manufactures exports and distributes high-end leather and textile fashion accessories such as handbags, footwear and jewellery. The company is building a conscious brand that looks at the ESG with over 250 young women trained with livelihood skills.
  • Bookablehood Ltd. Bookablehood Ltd is the brand owner of Tulavo, a hotel booking platform for affordable travel accommodation. Bookablehood Ltd commits to putting customer satisfaction at the forefront. Located in an eco tourism village of Kangulumira near Kalagala white waterfalls, Bookablehood Ltd aims at promoting sustainable tourism by making travel more affordable.
  • Konnect Initiative Ltd. Konnect Initiative is a financial institution that aims at promoting financial inclusion. The company promotes this by developing the spirit of savings, extending credit facilities to SMEs and funding investment activities among the financially marginalised.  More details can be got from Deborah Ochieng +256773062333 or +256786813301
  • Lanoa Agricultural & Technology Consult Ltd. Lanoa ATC is a Mbarara based agricultural consultancy company which deals in the provision of agricultural supplies, agricultural professional services and agricultural consultancy services. The company works to transform livelihoods through promoting modern agri-preneurship practises. Charles Lagu is the Managing Director and can be found on +256752069334 and
  • Fort Motel Ltd. Fort Motel is a 3 star Hotel and one of the best hotels you can find in the tourism city of Fort Portal. You can contact Olive on +256776970677 or on
  • Nyangolil General Services Ltd
  • Margherita Training Institute Ltd
  • Devoted Metal Works Ltd
  • Beso Investments Ltd




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